Words of Wisdom

Our destiny is nothing but the outcome of our own thoughts, words and deeds!
2/19/07 7.55pm

Now and then we must evaluate ourselves to become a better person!
2/20/07 9.23 pm

Welcome change and change will welcome you!
2/20/07 9.25 pm

Realization is a magic wand. It can make you into whatever you want!
2/20/07 9.30 pm

Mind is only a machine, and your thought is the switch which can make it work the way you want!
2/20/07 9.31 pm

All mistakes, problems and even addictions can be changed and solved in a fraction of a second just by realizing its true cause!
2/20/07 9.32 pm

Nth degree of desperation is equal to nth degree of achievement! (Nth degree stands for the number of Degree).
2/20/07 9.42 pm

I love to live with Nature for its my true energizer!
2/20/07 9.44 pm

Nature is the tonic to real health and happiness!
2/20/07 9.45 pm

To receive is great, but to give is the greatest!
2/20/07 10.02 pm

Keep your heart clean and pure like a white sheet of paper, so that you can be clear of what you hear and give a correct solution!
2/21/07 4.15 pm

Find time to enjoy Nature : Looking at a blossom, Enjoying the sight of the bright blue sky, Appreciating the sparkling Sun, Watching the rainbow, Or watch it snow!
2/21/07 4.17 pm

Try to be calm and quiet as many times as you can in a day or at least once in a day it will help you maintain your inner balance or resume your harmonious self!
2/21/07 4.19 pm

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