
Everyone in this world
Are God's children
God employs us
As caretakers.

Your payment is the joy and fun time
You have with your so called children
Ask for nothing more
Enjoy the present moment.

We are only caretakers, caregivers, or gardeners
Who tend the young and let it bloom and blossom
To be offered to GOD
Be a faithful servant and serve the Creator!

As the saying goes
Do your best and leave the rest
Live like a droplet of water on a lotus leaf
Be happy and bring happiness in others!


Meena Sankaran said...

Well said Latha. I especially liked the part about leading life like a 'droplet of water on a lotus leaf' because that would ensure some level of spiritual awareness in a person and help face the sorrow and stench of death around us.

Unknown said...

Very insightful..especially at this time Latha...I agree that we are all just caretakers and also gardeners...

Like your like last your best and leave the true and very well put.